of Family Urticaceae
Systematic position/ Classifications:
Venation reticulate, 2 cotyledons Class-
Flowers incomplete, mostly unisexual, small,
green, Perianth 1-seriate, only one whorl
present Subclass- Monochlamydeae
Flowers unisexual, Perianth lobes sepaloid
gynoecium with free styles, seeds endospermic Order- Unisexuales
Members of this family are distributed mainly in tropical regions of the world
with 480 species and 41 genera.
Salient features:
Plants are generally fibrous herbs, with
stinging hairs (Urtica, Girardinia), latex is absent.
Leaves are simple, alternate or opposite,
margin entire or serrate, stipules present. Dried leaves with cystoliths.
Flowers are in cymes or heads, monoecious or
dioecious, unisexual, Actinomorphic & hypogynous. Pistilate flowers occurs
in male flowers and staminodes are present in female flowers.
Perianth green, sepaloid and consists of 4
perianth leaves arranged in whorls of two each, it united in female flowers.
Male flowers- androecium consists of 4
stamens (rarely 3-5), isomerous, filaments inflexed in bud, anthers explode
suddenly when ripe after jerk. Some time a rudimentary pistil is also present.
In Pilea muscosa pollen grain discharge profusely when plant shakes therefore
called as ‘artillary’ or ‘gunpowder plant’.
Female flowers- gynoecium with single carpel,
ovary superior, unilocular with single ovule, style is simple ending in a
stigma which is with brush like tuft, scale like staminodes are present at the
base of pistil. Ovules erect and is of orthotropous type.
Fruits- is an achene or a drupe enclosed by a
persistent Perianth. Seeds are endospermic with oily endosperm and straight
Floral formula:
Floral diagram:
Morphological peculiarities:
Predominantly herbaceous plants.
Leaves stipulate with cystolyths.
Presence of stinging hairs.
Flowers unisexual, monochlamydous.
Stamens inflexed in buds and inwardly bent
when mature.
Stigma brush like.
Placentation basal.
Economic importance & their
heterophylla- stem yields a strong silk like fibre which
is mainly used in making twine, ropes, some time course cloth, etc.
nivea- It is largely cultivated in China for the
bat fibre which is longer, stronger and most silky of all the vegetable fibres.
Urtica dioica yields very useful fibre.
Garden Plants- Pilea, Pellionia are grown in pots in garden due to foliage and
beautiful flowers.
Edible plants- Trema orientalis fruits are useful for eating purpose.
The wood of Trema is useful in making charcoal for gunpowder.
Present status, affinities,
phylogeny & inter-relationship of Urticaceae:
Based on floral and wood anatomy families
like Ulmaceae, Moraceae, Urticaceae are treated under one family Urticaceae by
Bantham & Hooker’s.
Moraceae and Urticaceae both have unisexual
flowers, stamens as many as perianth lobes
and ovary is unilocular.
Engler and Prantl and Hutchinson considered
Urticaceae as most advanced family amongst Moraceae and Urticaceae under order
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