Wednesday 22 January 2020

Study of Family Plumbaginaceae

Study of Family Plumbaginaceae

Systematic position/ Classifications:
Venation reticulate, 2 cotyledons                                        Class- Dicotyledons
Corolla partially / completely
fused                                                                                       Subclass- Gamopetalae
Stamens in two or more series
as per petals, epipetalous, ovary
superior, carpels more than two                                        Series- Heteromerae
Stamens equal to petals, ovary
with 2-many locules                                                              Order- Primulales
Flowers fragrant, corolla rotate,
stamens epipetalous, fruits berry                                       Family- Plumbaginaceae

Distribution: Mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical parts of the world.
Note: Plumbago zeylanica is commonly known as Ceylon leadwort, doctor bush or wild leadwort.


Habit- Plants are herbaceous
Stem- glabrous stems, climbing, prostrate, or erect.
Leaves- are petiolate or sessile, ovate, lanceolate, elliptic or spatulate to oblanceolate 5-9 × 2.5–4 cm. Bases attenuate; apex acute, acuminate or obtuse.
Inflorescences- Flowers in 3–15 cm long spike and have glandular, viscid rachises. Bracts are lanceolate, 3-7 × 1–2 mm long. The heterostylous flowers have white corollas 17–33 mm in diameter and tubes 12.5–28 mm in length.
Fruits- Capsules, 7.5–8 mm long, with reddish brown to dark brown seeds
Current Status: Species of plumbago with apantropical distribution. Carl Linnaeus described the paleotropical P. zeylanica and neotropical P. scandens as separate species, but they are currently considered synonymous.

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