Wednesday 22 January 2020

Study of Family Bignoniaceae

                                  Study of Family Bignoniaceae

Systematic position/ Classifications:
Venation reticulate, 2 cotyledons                                        Class- Dicotyledons
Perianth with distinct petals & sepals, petals fused          Subclass- Gamopetalae
Flowers hypogynous, stamens equal to number of petals,
gynoecium superior, bicarpellary                                       Series- Bicarpellatae
Corolla zygomorphic, staminodes
present, ovules more than 4                                                            Order- Personales
                                                                                                Family- Bignoniaceae     
Distribution: Members of this family are distributed throughout the world mainly in tropics. There are 650 species from 120 genera.

Salient features:
Plants are mostly shrubs & trees. Tecomeria & Pandorea are lianas.
Leaves are opposite decussate, compound, terminal leaflet modified into tendril, exstipulate and pinnately compound.
Flowers are bisexual, Zygomorphic, hypogynous, bracteates, bracteolate and pentamerous.
Calyx- with 5 sepals, united, campanulate, lobed or bilabiate, valvate aestivation.
Corolla- with 5 petals, united, campanulate, imbricate aestivation, obliquely campanulate or infundibulliform, lobes 5, sometime bilabiate.

 Androecium- with 4 stamens, didynamous, 5th epipetalous, posterior one is reduced to staminodes 2 (Catalpa). Anthers are dithecous, introrse dehiscing by longitudinal placentae.
Gynoecium- is bicarpellary, syncarpous, superior; style terminal; stigma forked, bifid numerous anatropous erect ovules attached to axile placenta.
Fruit- is a 2-valved septicidal or loculicidal capsule or berry. Seeds non-endospermic, flattened, winged, sometime comose in Chilopsis.

Floral formula:

Floral diagram:

Morphological peculiarities:
Plants arborescent (i.e. trees/shrubs).
Leaves compound.
Flowers Zygomorphic with bracts & bracteoles.
Presence of posterior Staminode.
Antherlobes divergent & seemingly one above the other.
Fruits capsule with winged seeds.
Economic importance & their uses-
Ornamental plants:
Spathodia campanulata (Pichkari)- A native to Tropical Africa.  
Jacaranda mimosifolia (Neel Mohar)- A native of Brazil & Argentina.
Tecoma stans (Yellow Bell)- A native to Tropical South America.
Kigelia pinnata (Bramhadanda)- A native to Tropical Africa.
Millingtonia hortensis (Cork tree or Akashneem)-a native to S.E. Asia & Malesia.
Tabebuia argentia & T. rosea- A native to Paraguay

Wild plants-
Heterophragma quadriloculare (Varas)
Dolichandron falcata (Medshingi)
Oroxylum indicum (Tetu)
Pagenali longifolia
Radermachera xylocarpa
Sterospermum chelenoides (Padal)

Present status, affinities, phylogeny & inter-relationship of Bignoniaceae:

Bessey placed this family in Scrophulariales, the origin of which was traced from Polemoniales. Hallier included it in order-Tubiflorae and placed it near Pedaliaceae and Acanthaceae. Hurchinson put it under 53rd Order Bignoniales. According to Hutchinson Bignoniales originated from Loganiales.

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